Concrete Consulting Firm
Concrete Expert Witness Services
"Concrete Insights and Experience When You Need It"
BFI Building Forensics International
Concrete Consulting

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure

Concrete Crack through Aggregate

BFI specializies in Concrete Expert Witness Litigation and Support, Including Concrete Testing, Concrete Moisture Consulting and Petrographic Analysis.

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure
Concrete Petrographer, Concrete Petrographic Analysis, Concrete Petrographic Analysis of Concrete, Petrographic Consultant, Petrographic Analysis of Aggregates, Petrographer, concrete guy, concrete dude, BFI, BFI, BFI, BFI
Some Causes Of Concrete Damage
If you feel your concrete installation is displaying or may have concrete damage of any kind please contact our office and schedule a thorough forensic investigation.
There can be many contributing factors to the occurrence of drying shrinkage cracking, a few of those may include: the use of an inadequate or improper concrete design, excess water above the amount required for the concrete design in use, failure to properly prepare the sub-grade prior to the installation of the concrete, accelerated evaporation of moisture from the concrete during installation or the curing process, inadequate use of reinforcement, improperly placed or the lack of control joints, improper timing of saw cuts, improper depth of saw cuts, inadequate techniques applied during finishing and, poor or no curing.
Drying Shrinkage Cracking: Although many would attribute the primary cause for this type of Concrete Damage to improperly placed or lack of control joints by the contractor or designer it is important to conduct a thorough concrete forensic investigation by a qualified concrete expert witness to determine the actual cause or causes involved in the concrete damage at hand.
These are some of the possible factors that can attribute to the concrete damage known as drying shrinkage cracking.
If you feel your concrete installation is displaying or may have concrete damage of any kind please contact our office and schedule a thorough forensic investigation of the concrete by a qualified concrete expert witness and get the facts before rushing into unneeded and expensive repair solutions that may not correct and or may increase the problem you are facing.

This photo illustrates damaged concrete which is a direct result of shifting soils or heavy weight placed on the concrete surface.