Concrete Consulting Firm
Concrete Expert Witness Services
"Concrete Insights and Experience When You Need It"
BFI Building Forensics International
Concrete Consulting

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure

Concrete Crack through Aggregate

BFI specializies in Concrete Expert Witness Litigation and Support, Including Concrete Testing, Concrete Moisture Consulting and Petrographic Analysis.

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure
Concrete Petrographer, Concrete Petrographic Analysis, Concrete Petrographic Analysis of Concrete, Petrographic Consultant, Petrographic Analysis of Aggregates, Petrographer, concrete guy, concrete dude, BFI, BFI, BFI, BFI
Three Reasons An Expert Witness May Be Needed
There are experts in all occupations whether a person is in need of some type of medical surgery or some part of your car is in need of repair. There is someone who has the skill, ability, answer, or part to make things right.
Experts have the ability, knowledge,and experience to provide the answers to questions we are looking for.
When it comes to resolving a dispute in a court of law, an expert witness can be a valuable asset. Certain situations require an expert witness. Expert testimony is necessary to refute an opposing counselʼs argument. Building Forensics International specializes in providing
Expert Witness Testimony for litigation involving Concrete Defect, and Various other types of Construction Materials Defect.
Three Situations Where an Expert Witness Can be Useful:
The first scenario would be when an expert witness is required by law, which is the case in most jurisdictions. In these situations, an expert witness can help the court and/or jury understand if a professionalʼs duty of care was breached.
In these situations, Building
Forensics International can provide a neutral party concrete consultant expert witness where litigation involving concrete or other related building materials requires an explanation of standard of care and detail how an individual or company failed to adhere to industry standards.
In these types of disputes the defense may be required to hire an expert to prove the individual or company did perform to the standard of care. For example, a construction company may have to prove that concrete was finished with the proper tools according to industry standards.
The second scenario would be where the case is so complex due to technical details involved with the litigation that a layperson jury would need the explanation of an expert witness. For example, if a case involved the air and water content of a concrete mixture which had an effect on the way the concrete performed then a qualified concrete expert witness would be called in to explain to the jury how air and water content can affect of the performance of concrete.
In these situations Building Forensics International would use someone like Geoffrey Hichborn Sr. PE in a concrete defect litigation case to provide expert witness testimony.
The third scenario would be where
there is a case involving a construction company and
or suppliers of concrete or other related construction materials and there is a dispute regarding who is at fault regarding the poor performance of the materials.
The construction company may believe the supplier delivered poor quality materials and in turn the supplier(s) may believe the poor performance of the materials is do to workmanship issues. In this situation all parties involved may retain the service of a expert witness to investigate what the cause of poor performance is.
Building Forensics International can provide a forensic investigative team of experts to provide analysis for cause of defect and or damage like sand boils, or cracking.
From time to time, Building Forensics International provides information about legal matters relating to the expert witness industry. Legal information is not the same as legal advice or counsel. Building Forensics International makes the effort to give information that is useful and accurate, we always recommend you consult a legal professional before acting on any legal information read on the internet.
- BFI Staff Writer