Concrete Consulting Firm
Concrete Expert Witness Services
"Concrete Insights and Experience When You Need It"
BFI Building Forensics International
Concrete Consulting

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure

Concrete Crack through Aggregate

BFI specializies in Concrete Expert Witness Litigation and Support, Including Concrete Testing, Concrete Moisture Consulting and Petrographic Analysis.

BFI | Concrete Expert Witness | Concrete Slab Post Tensioned Tendon exposed at site investigation of parking structure
Concrete Petrographer, Concrete Petrographic Analysis, Concrete Petrographic Analysis of Concrete, Petrographic Consultant, Petrographic Analysis of Aggregates, Petrographer, concrete guy, concrete dude, BFI, BFI, BFI, BFI
Building Forensics International Photos Gallery
The Following gallery of photos are provided to show examples of the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) which is the reaction between the alkalis (sodium and potassium) in Portland Cement and certain siliceous rocks or minerals, such as opaline chert, strained quartz, and acidic volcanic glass, present in some aggregates; the products of the reaction may cause abnormal expansion and cracking in concrete in service. The following photos are various examples of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in concrete in service.

Building Forensics International - Concrete Consulting

Concrete Consulting

Concrete Consulting-Example of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in concrete

Concrete Consulting-Example of Advanced Alkali-Silica Reaction in a Concrete Core Sample

Concrete Consulting-Example of Advanced ASR in a Section of a Concrete Wall