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Concrete Expert Witness: All In A Days Work


A thorough investigation of concrete distress of a slab on grade is definitely more than just a days work. The following information is an excerpt of an executive summary that was written by a Building Forensics International (BFI) concrete expert consultant.

"Our site observations indicate that the facility is currently comprised of four separate structures that may comprise a total of 10 or more concrete slabs."

The site investigation revealed concrete distress was present in several exposed slab areas manifesting as exfoliated or delaminated concrete surfaces. In general, pattern cracking of accessible concrete surfaces was not observed at the site. Concrete cracks were observed predominately to have random oreientations. Site cracking mapping was performed.

Concrete and soil samples were taken from the site for the purpose of testing. Efflorescent mineralization was primarily observed in areas where interior slab delamination and cracking were evident.

The concrete core samples were measured for length (slab thickness) in accordance with ASTM C 174. Strength tests were performed on the concrete core samples in accordance with ASTM C 42. These tests included: 1) Compressive strength 2) Splitting tensile strength and 3) Density testing, which was performed in accordance with ASTM C 642.

Concrete expert witness work when done properly can get the results needed for our clients with observations, investigations, mapping and testing.

Please consider Building Forensics International (BFI) if you have a concrete distress situation that requires an experienced concrete expert consultant.

BFI Staff Writer ~


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