Concrete slab moisture cause problems with the adhesion of floor-covering material, such as tile, sheet flooring, or carpet and bond-related failures of non-breathable floor coatings.
This is a direct quote from the National Ready Mix Concrete Association, Concrete In Practice article 28. More often than not Building Forensics International is contacted by clients who are being sued for concrete moisture issues. Many times the moisture is not a result of concrete mix design, the concrete placement, or anything else the contractor has done when installing concrete.
Building Forensics International has provided concrete expert witness services to owners, contractors, insurance companies and the likes for more than 30 years. When it comes to concrete moisture issues be sure to get a qualified Concrete Investigative Consultant who has a wide range of field and technical experience. Please take the time to read the following article by NRMCA CIP 28
If you are in need of a Concrete Expert Consultant please consider BFI providers of concrete insights and experience when you need it.